Google Applied Digital Skills
What is Google Applied Digital Skills Curriculum
Google Applied Digital Skills is a free online curriculum that can be accessed by individual learners or used in a classroom setting. Project-based units help students practice basic digital skills using Google's G Suite for Education applications (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, etc.). Students watch step-by-step video tutorials, pausing to complete activities. Lesson activities range from creating a budget spreadsheet to planning a trip to conducting research and writing a report. Some coding concepts are also integrated into the curriculum, such as programming a script to look for overused words. Units range from one hour to 10 hours of content, with varying levels for seventh-grade to adult learners.
A teacher dashboard manages student assignments and progress, and the curriculum is aligned with ISTE Standards for Students. Students must have Google accounts (school or personal) and connect to a teacher's class using a code. Though the curriculum is self-paced, the lessons encourage collaboration and peer mentorship; some activities require teamwork.