next level with IXL
This webinar was presented to Cheltenham teachers in February 2020, and features a deep dive into IXL Analytics and adapting instruction using up-to-the-minute insights. Emphasis on practical strategies for using data to support students.
You need to be signed in to your Cheltenham Google account to view.
Integrate with Google Classroom
You can assign an IXL skill right from the skills practice page.
You can import your students from Google Classroom to your roster.
Smart Score
IXL’s SmartScore is here to make learning engaging, exciting, and effective. But in order to make the most of the SmartScore, you have to be able to separate the fact from the fiction!
Diagnostic and Analytics
Pinpoint diagnostic levels - Personalize your instruction - Keep levels up to date
Align to state standards and identify your students' trouble spots: Plan your lesson - Deliver your lesson - Check for understanding
While at home, you can view students real-time engagement with IXL: Plan your lesson - Deliver your lesson - Dig into data
Other Professional Learning Resources
IXL is offering a variety of complimentary webinars to help you get the most out of IXL. Join any of these 30 minute sessions hosted by IXL's Professional Learning team. Multiple sessions are being offered every day Monday-Friday from March 30 - April 10.
After logging into IXL, you will have access to the entire eLearning Library, which includes Advanced lessons in: best practices for the SmartScore, making progress toward state standards, motivating students with IXL awards and certificates, differentiation through recommendation type, IXL Analytics, Trouble Spots, and others.